Dara Tafazoli; Michelle Picard
Technology has drastically changed our academic lives in the 21st century. The challenge as teachers andresearchers in the field of language education is to prepare both teachers and students with new literacies
and competencies. Terminology such as ‘digital literacy’, ‘ICT literacy’, ...
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Technology has drastically changed our academic lives in the 21st century. The challenge as teachers andresearchers in the field of language education is to prepare both teachers and students with new literacies
and competencies. Terminology such as ‘digital literacy’, ‘ICT literacy’, ‘eliteracy’, ‘computer literacy’,‘multiple literacies’, etc. are explained by researchers [1], and recommended by different reports [2-3] forthe successful integration of technology in the process of effective language learning and teaching. Basedon the literature, this integration has become a critical area for research line education and applied linguisticsin the last decade. Since the first application of the term ‘Computer-Assisted Language Learning’ in the1980s until adopting ‘Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)’, and emerging advanced andhigh-tech tools such as ‘Virtual Reality (VR)’ and ‘Robot-Assisted Language Learning (RALL)’ manyscholars have emphasized the applications of technology in language education.