In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Electronic Learning Association

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor, Information Technology Department,Tarbiat Modares University


Website is the first interaction tool between user and organization in every online business. The basic goal of every website is to provide information through its content. Nowadays, website content is considered to be a strategic issue for online businesses which will contribute to user attraction and retention. In this paper a soft decision making approach is taken towards the website content selection problem. To tackle this problem, a multi criteria decision making algorithm is proposed based on PROMETHEE outranking methodology. To overcome the shortening of this methodology facing the inherent uncertainty in decision problems, a new method is developed, where the characteristics of the alternatives are represented by intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Finally, a numerical example for content selection of Iranian universities’ website is given to illustrate application of the intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE method. The outcome shows the effectiveness of intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE in accommodating the imprecise information in comparison with fuzzy PROMETHEE and original PROMETHEE.


Article Title [Persian]

بهبود کیفیت وب سایت دانشگاه با استفاده از مدل رتبه بندی اولویت فازی

Author [Persian]

  • غلامعلی منتظر

دانشیار گروه فناوری اطلاعات، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

Abstract [Persian]

Website is the first interaction tool between user and organization in every online business. The basic goal of every website is to provide information through its content. Nowadays, website content is considered to be a strategic issue for online businesses which will contribute to user attraction and retention. In this paper a soft decision making approach is taken towards the website content selection problem. To tackle this problem, a multi criteria decision making algorithm is proposed based on PROMETHEE outranking methodology. To overcome the shortening of this methodology facing the inherent uncertainty in decision problems, a new method is developed, where the characteristics of the alternatives are represented by intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Finally, a numerical example for content selection of Iranian universities’ website is given to illustrate application of the intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE method. The outcome shows the effectiveness of intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE in accommodating the imprecise information in comparison with fuzzy PROMETHEE and original PROMETHEE.

Keywords [Persian]

  • کیفیت وب سایت
  • وب سایت دانشگاه
  • تصمیم گیری نرم
  • مجموعه های فازی شهودی
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